Mastering ‘When’ in Kotlin: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Anand Verma
3 min readMar 1, 2023


When it comes to Kotlin, the keyword “when” is one of the most useful constructs in the language. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for developers, with a variety of different use cases and applications.

🔎 What is “when” in Kotlin?

In Kotlin, “when” is a control flow construct that works like a switch statement in other languages. It allows you to match a value against a series of possible options, and execute different code based on which option matches.

Here’s an example of how “when” can be used to evaluate a variable and perform different actions:

val x = 1

when (x) {
1 -> println("x is 1")
2 -> println("x is 2")
else -> println("x is neither 1 nor 2")

In this example, we use “when” to evaluate the value of the variable “x”. If “x” is 1, we print a message saying “x is 1”. If “x” is 2, we print a message saying “x is 2”. If “x” is neither 1 nor 2, we print a message saying “x is neither 1 nor 2”.

🤔 When to use “when” in Kotlin?

There are many situations where “when” can be useful in Kotlin. Here are a few examples:

✅ Matching against multiple values

One of the most common use cases for "when" is to match a value against multiple possible options. This is much more concise and readable than using a series of if/else statements.

when (x) {
1, 2 -> println("x is either 1 or 2")
in 3..10 -> println("x is between 3 and 10")
else -> println("x is something else")

In this example, we use “when” to match the value of “x” against multiple options. We can use commas to match against multiple values at once, or ranges to match against a range of values.

✅ Checking for type

Another common use case for "when" is to check the type of an object. This is similar to using "instanceof" in other languages.

val obj: Any = "Hello, world!"

when (obj) {
is String -> println("obj is a String with length ${obj.length}")
is Int -> println("obj is an Int with value $obj")
else -> println("obj is something else")

In this example, we use “when” to check the type of the “obj” variable. If “obj” is a String, we print a message with the length of the string. If “obj” is an Int, we print a message with the value of the integer. If “obj” is something else, we print a generic message.

✅ Using “when” as an expression

In Kotlin, "when" can also be used as an expression, which allows you to assign the result of the "when" block to a variable.

val result = when (x) {
1 -> "x is 1"
2 -> "x is 2"
else -> "x is neither 1 nor 2"


In this example, we use “when” as an expression to assign the result of the block to the “result” variable. We can then print the value of “result” to the console.

😂 Conclusion

In conclusion, “when” is an incredibly useful construct in Kotlin that can save you a lot of time and effort when writing code. Whether you’re matching against multiple

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Anand Verma

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