Ktor’s 5 Open Source Projects on Github To Mastering Best Practices and Architecture

Anand Verma


Ready to build efficient and scalable web applications with Ktor? Don’t miss these Ktor open source projects on Github. With examples for RESTful and WebSocket applications, HTTP clients, and multiplatform apps, these projects showcase Ktor’s best practices and architecture solutions, providing an easy way to start your Ktor journey and contribute to the open source community.

People In Space

This project is an amazing showcase of the capabilities of Kotlin Multiplatform. It’s built using a variety of popular technologies, including SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotlin/JS + React. Plus, it includes a Ktor backend to power the API.

One of the coolest things about this project is that it can run on a wide range of platforms, including Android, iOS, watchOS, macOS, desktop, and web. That means you can build a single codebase that can be deployed to multiple platforms without having to write platform-specific code.

In addition to its impressive technology stack, this project also makes use of the Open Notify PeopleInSpace API to show real-time information about the position of the International Space Station and the astronauts currently in space. This adds a fun and interactive element to the project that makes it a great learning resource for developers who want to build multiplatform applications.

If you’re looking to get started with Kotlin Multiplatform, this project is a great place to start. It’s well-documented, actively maintained, and includes contributions from some of the top developers in the Kotlin community. Plus, with its impressive list of supported platforms, it’s sure to inspire you to take your own multiplatform projects to the next level.


KtorEasy is a cutting-edge open source project that offers a new approach to building Ktor applications. Using the CLEAN architecture principles and Koin as a dependency injection framework, KtorEasy makes it easy to build modular, testable, and scalable Ktor applications.

One of the standout features of KtorEasy is its use of modules, which define specific routes and receive injected controller objects. The controller layer is where all the business logic is defined, and it fetches/writes data through API objects. This makes it easy to test and maintain the application.

KtorEasy also includes a MariaDB database connection with Hikari, a popular connection pool, and a Docker command to build the backend container. This makes it easy to deploy KtorEasy on any platform and manage the entire application stack with Docker.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, KtorEasy is a great way to learn Ktor and build high-quality applications that can be easily deployed. With KtorEasy, you can take your Ktor development to the next level and build scalable, testable, and modular applications. So why not check it out today?

Kotlin Ktor Exposed Starter

This open source project provides a simple RESTful web service template in Kotlin, featuring the Ktor web framework and other useful libraries for database access, testing, and code coverage. The project includes a sample Widget service, along with endpoints for creating, updating, and deleting Widget instances.

It also uses Netty as an async web server, Kotlin Serialization for JSON serialization/deserialization, and Flyway for database migrations. Unit testing of services is done with AssertJ, while integration testing of endpoints is done with Rest Assured. The project also includes a notifications feature through a WebSocket endpoint to serve updates in real-time. Kover is used for code coverage and reporting, with the results automatically generated as part of the Gradle build.


This is a Kotlin-stack note-taking app that showcases the power of Kotlin in modern Android development tools and server-side programming. It consists of two subprojects, including a REST API built using the Ktor Framework.

The other subproject is an Android app that utilizes the Noty REST API and features traditional Android Navigation Architecture, as well as the modern Jetpack Compose UI. With Ktor, making API calls is a breeze, and the Android app offers a seamless user experience with its modern UI. This open source project is a must-have for all Android developers looking to enhance their skills and knowledge.


Ktorfit is a lightweight, efficient and easy-to-use Kotlin Multiplatform HTTP client that allows developers to make HTTP requests on multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Js, Jvm, Linux). Inspired by Retrofit, it uses KSP and Ktor clients to provide a seamless experience for developers.

With its simple yet powerful API, Ktorfit enables developers to easily consume RESTful APIs in their Kotlin Multiplatform projects without the need for extensive boilerplate code. Its support for multiple platforms makes it a versatile tool for building cross-platform applications.

Conclusion, Ktor is a powerful web framework that can help you build modern web applications with ease. With its intuitive syntax and seamless integration with other Kotlin libraries, Ktor is becoming a popular choice among developers worldwide. Check out these top 5 Ktor open source projects on Github today and unleash the power of Ktor for your next project! 💻

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Anand Verma
Anand Verma

Written by Anand Verma

Discover the magic of mobile app development through the eyes of a tech-enthusiast and never-ending learner.

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